Friday, March 04, 2005

Why silence on prostitute ‘reporter'?

Would a prostitute in the White House have been news six years ago? You betcha. The Right spent eight years trying to pillory Clinton. Now we have something even worse than Clinton's despicable indiscretion and the mainstream media barely covers it.

For the past two years there was a "reporter" by the name of Jeff Gannon in the White House daily briefings. Actually his name is James

Guckert and the White House issued a daily pass. Supposedly he worked for an online conservative publication called Talon News (now offline). But White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan always called on him as "Jeff" to ask softball questions. Mr. McClellan admitted that he knew Gannon's real name yet continued to call him Gannon in press conferences.

It's been proven that Gannon/Guckert is associated with male prostitution Web sites, even having his own nude pictures on those sites. Doubters can get on the Internet and Google Jeff Gannon. It's all there.

I can't get on a plane at SeaTac with a fake name, yet this Gannon/Guckert gets within spitting distance of Bush? So much for White House security.

Where is the outrage from the Christian right concerning this male prostitute? Why are the media and conservative organizations such as Focus on the Family so silent? If this were the Clinton administration we would get 24/7 coverage of this on every "mainstream" corporate owned media outlet.

The silence is deafening. Where is the free press?

Keith Fisher
Mount Vernon

Letters to the Editor - Skagit Valley Herald


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