Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Writer misinterpreted my letter

In reply to the letter from Arlene Cook (Jan. 19, titled: Tsunami response great worldwide), the point of my letter had nothing to do with the fact that "the U.S. is the biggest donor in this crisis." I am truly impressed with each and every individual, business, and country who are helping the victims of the tsunami disaster.

The point of my letter was "if our generous U.S. citizens would donate and raise money on the same scale for the homeless, disabled, and unemployed right here at home, we would not only be assisting our own citizens, but greatly decreasing the number of those receiving welfare assistance, which would, in turn, decrease our national debt and make us a stronger nation."

I certainly hope that the rest of the Skagit Valley Herald readers did not have the same misinterpretation of my letter!

Annette Arp

Letters to the Editor - Skagit Valley Herald


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