Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bush keeps crying ‘the sky is falling'

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling," chirps Chicken Little G.W. Bush as he speaks of a Social Security Crisis.

George, as a child of privilege, you aren't expected to be a whizbang on balancing your checkbook or anyone else's for that matter as attested to by the soaring national debt.

How many more times will our citizens and lawmakers be fooled into making rash decisions based on your Chicken Little crisis warnings

and rushes to a "solution" for non-existent problems?

First it was Denial of Constitutional Rights, also known as the Patriot Act, passed unread by a majority of those who voted for it. Then it was the preemptive Illegal War on Iraq, unquestioningly voted for by a majority of our lawmakers. Now, not satisfied with having deprived U.S. citizens of their Constitutional rights and squandering untold thousands of lives and billions in treasure on an unnecessary war, you want to rush us into a plan for gambling our Social Security benefits in the stock market.

Meanwhile this fails to solve a non-looming shortfall in Social Security funding almost four decades hence. Of course such a gamble would make precious little difference to your retirement, George. Why you are taking on this crusade and not the more imminent issues of Medicaid and Medicare funding is known only to you and God.

Richard T. Nicolls, M.D., Guemes Island

Letters to the Editor - Skagit Valley Herald


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