Sunday, January 30, 2005

Everyone has right to free speech

Why is it that freedom of speech to David R. Adams and others like him, is always so important as long as they are expressing their opinions, but hate it when someone disagrees with them? Why do they feel it is right for them but not for others who disagree?

Lets take a look at freedom of speech and what it should and should not be! Should we all be able to say anything we feel like saying about others, impugning their character, calling them names and trying to destroy them as a person, in others eyes, just because we disagree with them politically? I think not! If you don't like the policies of our elected president, yes you have a right to disagree, but if you do, have a viable alternative to offer up for debate. In 4 years your party will have another chance to get elected if they can get it together by then.

In case you missed his letter to the editor, here are some of the comments David R. Adams made. "Narrow minded and mean spirited side of conservatives, build your own goose stepping country somewhere and spew such a childish diatribe". Does this sound like someone that has an alternative to offer?

Incidentally, in the last 4 years, the majority of letters to the editor have been bashing President Bush and his policies without any alternate policies being offered. If there was, I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate any disagreement from the Republicans.

David H. Bates,

Letters to the Editor - Skagit Valley Herald


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